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Attack of the clones

Published: February, 2005
Source: Xequted

Xequted managed to get down with Tim, Mark and Rick from Ash and talk about some of their gaming habits just before the Star Wars: Republic Commando launch party.

Xequted: How did LucasArts approach you to become a part of the Star Wars: Republic Commando game and in turn the Star Wars universe?

Ash: LucasArts actually had our music on their database and they got in contact with our manager to speak to us about doing the music for Republic Commando. We had just demoed the song “Clones“ before the official album recording and it seemed pretty perfect to use it.

Xequted: Did they hear the album before it was released?

Ash: Yeah a long time before, before the album was even recorded. Almost two years ago!

Xequted: So the game has been developed quite closely alongside the track?

Ash: Well, they had the track and it was perfect because it’s called “Clones“. You know, it ties in nicely. I think they wanted something that’s quite heavy and dark to fit in with this kind of darker game. So then we went and recorded the album version and they really liked it. We got invited to the (Lucas) ranch with the whole tour and everything.

Xequted: In the music video of “Clones“ as a part of the game unlockables there is a lot of in game footage. Did you ever consider dressing up as clones and create some elite scenes of devastation of your own?

Ash: We don’t have the clone suits yet; if we were given them we’d do it! Mark’s the obsessive player; he collects all the Star Wars toys.

Mark: Yeah, I collect the toys. Not everything, there’s just too much stuff!

Xequted: The good stuff?

Mark: Yeah, you have to draw the line somewhere.

Xequted: Have you got the Millennium Falcon?

Ash: Yeah, I’ve got all the toys!

Xequted: Did you see the bloke who modded his Xbox into the Millennium Falcon?

Mark: No Way!

Xequted: Yeah, he put the whole Xbox in the Millennium Falcon and then you took the whole shell off. The whole shell comes off and you press the buttons.

Ash: Genius. Yeah, cool! Have you got a picture on your website?

Xequted: It was in Official Xbox Magazine last month.

Ash: Yeah, that’s clever. People do that with their PC’s as well.

Xequted: Will we be hearing any more of your music in any future Star Wars productions, for example Episode III?

Ash: I don’t think so, but we wouldn’t say no! John Williams has got it all going on there. It’s more of a classical John Williams score there. We’re a bit too rock for Star Wars films. It’s usually quite orchestral, and if you have alien music it tends to be alien jazz!

Xequted: How would you describe your relationship with gaming?

Ash: Quite intense, when you’re on tour it’s a great way to pass the time. We spend a lot of time playing Xbox. If we’re ever late on stage then it’s probably because of gaming.

Ash: One gig in America a couple of years ago Mark actually fell asleep playing a game in a hotel room and we couldn’t find him anywhere!

Xequted: Well I was too busy playing Galactic Battlegrounds and I didn’t realise what time it was. Then I was twenty minutes late for the show, then we were late on stage and the set had to be cut. It was really bad! I ran from the hotel when I realised but I couldn’t remember how to get to the venue. It was just a mess!

Ash: When you’re playing real time strategy games you can just lose hours.

Xequted: Have you got Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic game?

Ash: Yeah, haven’t played it yet though!

Xequted: That would make you very late!

Ash: You’ll completely miss your day’s then! Sometimes that’s good though when you’re touring around America, it’s a very long drive.

Xequted: Do you have games consoles on the bus?

Ash: Yeah, we’ve got an Xbox in America. It’s in the lockup with all our gear so when we go over there and pick our stuff up it’s waiting for us!

Ash: I think we stay up on average ‘til about five or six in the morning. The great thing is, you do a gig and then you’re kind of wide awake and just stay up really late playing. It’s quite healthy because you don’t smoke or drink yourself into a coma when you’re playing games.

Xequted: It keeps your hands occupied.

Ash: Yeah!

Xequted: As a band four is quite a good number to play games between you. How often do you play games as a band?

Ash: Rarely, we mostly play by ourselves. Me (Tim) and mark play football games, that kind of stuff. We’ve never actually used all four but we should!

Mark: Rick’s not really interested in games, are you?

Rick: Nooo, I’m more interested in drinking.

When you play four-player it does split the screen four ways. Yeah, you don’t really have very big TV’s on busses. That’s the only draw back. Yeah, ya need a big plasma screen!

Xequted: Out of all the Star Wars games that have been released over the years, which one would you say is the best one and why?

Ash: Republic Commando obviously, because it’s probably the darkest game. Everyone likes good games. Also it appeals to people who aren’t necessarily hardcore Star Wars fans. The game has that dark edge which will bring a lot of new people into the game.

Xequted: When are you next on tour, and for how long?

Ash: Next Saturday. We’re away for around six, seven weeks. We’re touring with The Bravery, a new band!

Xequted: We hear you did a tour with David Bowie, how was that?

Ash: We did a joint tour with Moby, Busta Rhymes was there as well. It was a real mixed up bill and we opened it. He was cool and we met him a few times. Anyone who loves Bowie, he just becomes everything.

Xequted: Did you have any influence on Republic Commando?

Ash: Just the music and we had a look at the game being developed.

Xequted: Did you meet George Lucas?

Ash: Yeah, we met him before years ago when we played the rap party for The Phantom Menace, when they finished filming it.

Xequted: Thank you very much for taking the time to take part in this interview, and we wish you the very best in the future and with your American tour!